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This is a 100% walkthrough for ROBOTICS;NOTES ELITE, designed to allow readers to play through the game in the optimal route order.

(Note: Route names are abbreviated and tweeps have been abbreviated with [...] to avoid spoilers.)

Recommended route order is Phase 05 → Phase 06 → Phase 07 → Phase 08 → Phase 09.

As a general rule, the route you get will depend on the replies you choose when Kaito is able to answer certain tweeps.

At several points, this guide will ask you to save. Please keep track of these saves, as you will need to return to them later.

Starting off

To avoid making this guide too lengthy but also explain how to get all of the achievements, we will list some general advice for not missing anything:

  • 1) During the first three phases of the game, you can answer all of the tweeps freely. Akiho’s tweeps, however, can be answered freely regardless of what phase you are currently in.
  • 2) Every time you enter a location you have never seen before, get your PokeCom out and check ‘IRUO.’ to gather as many geotags as possible. You should focus particularly on Kaito’s classroom, which has a new geotag every day.
  • 3) Don’t miss any inputs during quick-time events, unless it is indicated that you should do otherwise.

Phase 04:

On July 30, at noon and inside the conference room, reply:

  • GEZI-SISTER: What is a “boing-chan”?
    • Reply: A woman whose breasts bounce[…]

On July 31, at noon and outside the building you found the first Kimijima Report in, reply:

  • GEZI-SISTER: @UMISHO “Boobs,” right?
    • Reply: Yup, that’s it!
  • DAITOKU_JUNJUN: My role keeps getting bigger and[…]
    • Reply: You should take a page[…]
  • FRAUKOUJIRO: Oof, I feel dizzy… Must[…]
    • Reply: You alright? Please don’t go and[…]

On August 1, at noon and inside Kai’s room, reply:

  • FRAUKOUJIRO: The hallway is totally flooded[…]
    • Reply: Well at least the atmosphere[…]

On August 2, in the morning and on the Old Tanegashima Airport Runway, reply:

  • FRAUKOUJIRO: I have no clothes to[…]
    • Reply: Uh, really? Should I bring[…]

At noon, inside the Irei General Store:

  • GEZI-SISTER: What is a “Gunbam”?
    • Reply: Something Aki-chan likes

On August 5, in the morning at the Robot Clinic, reply:

  • GEZI-SISTER: What are “fireworks”? I couldn’t[…]
    • Reply: It’s a big, colorful thing[…]

On August 7, after Kaito goes shopping with Junna, when you’re on the Old Tanegashima Airport Runway, reply:

  • GEZI-SISTER: @UMISHO What is Space Candy?
    • Reply: Tasty mint candy

Immediately before the GunBuild-1 assembly is complete, when you’re still on the runway:

  • FRAUKOUJIRO: bleeh, my eyelids are so heavy… is[…]
    • Reply: You’ll get sick if you[…]

On August 10, in the evening, in front of the hangar, reply:

  • DAITOKU_JUNJUN: I was no help at all[…]
    • Reply: Ask yourself why you keep[…]

Phase 05:

On August 13, at noon, outside the museum, reply:

  • FRAUKOUJIRO: My head itches… A lot[…]
    • Reply: At least take baths. I[…]

At sunset, at the park:

  • GEZI-SISTER: What is a “cannon”?
    • Reply: Aki-chan said it’s a gun that you carry[…]

On August 18, in the morning, in front of the hangar, reply:

  • FRAUKOUJIRO: I just noticed that i[…]
    • Reply: There are salons on the[…]
  • GEZI-SISTER: What is a “Boltvalian”?
    • Reply: A power-type robot in Kill-Ballad

On August 19, at noon, inside the conference room, reply:

  • GEZI-SISTER: @UMISHO What is a pervert?
    • Reply: Someone like Koujiro Frau

On August 20, before the battle, in Frau’s room, reply:

  • DAITOKU_JUNJUN: I couldn’t keep up with[…]
    • Reply: Aki-chan said we’d build it[…]

At the start of August 23rd, create SAVE 01 and lock it. When you need to save your game, use a different save slot.

Then, throughout August 23rd and August 24th, do not reply to any tweeps.

On the 23rd, in order to find the Kimijima Report, use deluoode maps to quick travel to Hamada Beach from Hamada Beach (yes, go to the same location). After this, you can pick up the report from there. As you progress through the story, you should get your first ending.

Phase 06:

After you get your first ending, load SAVE 01. Progress to the point where you start searching for the third Kimijima report. Before you go to Hamada Beach to pick it up, travel to the Robot Clinic, and reply to Junna’s tweep:

  • DAITOKU_JUNJUN: When I’m by myself I’m[…]
    • Reply: I think it’s amazing that[…]

On September 15, outside the TNSC First Osaki Office, reply:

  • GEZI-SISTER: Blood Tune, RaiNet Kakeru, Z[…]
    • Reply: Blood Tune

On September 20, when you start out at the Robot Clinic, reply:

  • GEZI-SISTER: @UMISHO What’s hidden in the secret[…]
    • Reply: Eroge

On September 21, when you make it outside of the Robot Clinic, reply:

  • GEZI-SISTER: @UMISHO What is your favorite robot?
    • Reply: HMX-12 Multi

On September 27, at Junna’s house, reply:

  • GEZI-SISTER: What kind of world do[…]
    • Reply: A moe-ruled society

On October 3, check your tweeps for a surprise.

Phase 07:

After you get to Phase 06’s ending, load SAVE 01. Open Twipo right away and reply:

  • FRAUKOUJIRO: This island has way too[…]
    • Reply: @FRAUKOUJIRO You should ask Madam President[…]

At noon, do not reply to any tweeps, or you will be locked out of additional Twipo content.

When the search for the report begins, travel to the Robot Clinic, and reply to Frau:

  • FRAUKOUJIRO: Σ(゚ Д ゚;) Spent 3 whole hours[…]
    • Reply: @FRAUKOUJIRO Go to sleep already

On November 13, as soon as you can, reply:

  • GEZI-SISTER: What is a mad scientist?
    • Reply: Someone once said that it’s[…]

On November 19, at Akiho’s house, reply:

  • GEZI-SISTER: @UMISHO Do you like women’s breasts[…]
    • Reply: Flat is justice. As it[…]

On November 20, in front of the Old Airport Hotel, a.k.a. Frau’s house, reply:

  • GEZI-SISTER: @UMISHO What do you think about being[…]
    • Reply: Big Brother’s fine

When you’re inside Frau’s house, reply:

  • GEZI-SISTER: @UMISHO If Big Brother was able[…]
    • Reply: How about a catgirl maid[…]

On November 21, as soon as you can, reply:

  • GEZI-SISTER: @UMISHO If you could use me for[…]
    • Reply: I would make you my girlfriend

On November 28, check your tweeps for a surprise.

Phase 08:

After you get Phase 07’s ending, load SAVE 01. Open Twipo right away and reply:

  • GEZI-SISTER: @UMISHO What is the inside of[…]
    • Reply: @GEZI-SISTER It’s large enough to sit[…]

On August 24, inside Irei General Store, reply:

  • GEZI-SISTER What is GunBuild-2?
    • Reply: A giant robot

On December 11, in the classroom, reply:

  • FRAUKOUJIRO: Wooow, this years Winter ComiMa[…]
    • Reply: Have you gone before? I[…]

On December 19, at Uchugaoka Park, reply:

  • FRAUKOUJIRO: @UMISHO Its not a playground, its[…]
    • Reply: Huh. So people just power through it and no one complains?

On December 23, in front of Kaito’s house and before you look for the Kimijima report, reply:

  • FRAUKOUJIRO: @UMISHO Current attendance for Day 1 of[…]
    • Reply: How did you live through such[…]

On December 27, check your tweeps for a surprise.

Phase 09:

Depending on what you choose to do at a certain point in this Phase, you may encounter a bad end. If you do, use the “Daily Records” feature to go back and do the opposite of what you first did. If you reach the end of Phase 09 without getting the bad ending, you might be interested in going back to see it. If so, save your game where you are at, and use the “Daily Records” feature to go back and do the opposite of what you first did.

Phase 12:

When you arrive at TNSC, create SAVE 02 and lock your save. Try to save semi-frequently after this. Every ten or fifteen minutes should be fine.

When you reach a set of input prompts, get one of them wrong. View the ending, then load your last save. At the final prompt, reload SAVE 02, and don’t get any prompts wrong this time. Read to the end.

Kimijima Report Locations

Report #1: Your ‘IRUO.’ app will automatically open at a certain point on July 9. Center the red power symbol in your view and press select it.

Report #2: Automatically acquired.

Report #3: Quick travel to Hamada Beach from Hamada Beach (yes, just go to the same location). Open up ‘IRUO.’ and center your focus above the Chikura Cavern tag. There should be a faint power symbol there.

Report #4: Located at Hasetenbo Park, underneath the table and between the table foot and one of the chairs.

Report #5: Go to the school entrance. It’ll be located slightly to the right of the middle flagpole in the top left.

Report #6: Go to Otatsu Metatsu Rocks. Located slightly to the right of the Otatsu Metatsu Rocks geotag.

Report #7: Go to Cape Kadokura. Located in the center of the upper portion of the shrine gate.

Additional Info

  • There is an achievement for reading all the tips. Read them all (or just select them all to mark them as read) in order to receive this achievement.
    • Note that there are two tips that are possible to miss: you will not get the first one if you don’t read the JAXA geotag in the clubroom, and you will not get the second if you don’t read the N-I geotag in the Tanegashima Space Center.
  • There is an achievement related to the deluoode map triggers. It involves fast-travelling ten times while searching for a report.

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