ROBOTICS;NOTES DaSH Steam patch third-party components
ROBOTICS;NOTES DaSH Steam patch depends on a number of third-party components:
Installer background music: “Robotics;Notes DaSH Release anniversary OPN arr.(MUCOM88)” by Takeshi Abo
Ingame text font: Noto Sans CJK JP by Google
Subtitle font listing follows.
- JSON for Modern C++
- MinHook
- Hacker Disassembler Engine 32
- xy-VSFilter
- DirectXTex
- DirectXTK
- FreeType
- Cereal
- stb_vorbis
- SpeexDSP
To use your own Qt builds with the (un)installer, extract the (un)installer executable with 7-Zip. You will be able to substitute your own Qt DLLs.